The Aging Developer

The Aging Developer

  1. Authors
  2. Richard Klein
Richard Klein

Richard Klein

Site creator and maintainer

As a self-taught principal software engineer, I specialize in developing the management and access controls of consumer grade enterprise software. I guide and mentor the team on executing software that follow industry standards while listening to customers and providing the experiences that they desired.

  1. Houston, We Have Liftoff

    Houston, We Have Liftoff

    A few years ago, I started eyeing the framework Astro, and it immediately caught my attention. When I refreshed the site last year by updating to a new version of Gatsby, I considered making the switch to Astro at that time. However, I decided against it, as it would require lear…

  2. GoPro Timeline Fix

    GoPro Timeline Fix

    When we started to travel more extensively as a family I wanted to get a GoPro. I thought that it would be worthwhile for capturing moments we normally couldn’t get with a regular camera or phone. I ended up purchasing the Hero 6 Black which was the newest model at the time. I’ve…

  3. Switching Code Blocks to prism-react-renderer

    Switching Code Blocks to prism-react-renderer

    When I was rebuilding this site, I spent a fair amount of time in the documentation for each plugin that is being used. While reading through the gatsby-plugin-mdx page, I ran across a gatsby-remark section. That section suggests switching to use the prism-react-renderer for code…

  4. Rebuilding with Gatsby

    Rebuilding with Gatsby

    I’ve previously wrote that major versions should be considered harmful. I haven’t done anything with this site in a long time partially because of that. Another reason is I wanted something where I could run a small amount of code on the front-end, but I wanted the majority of th…

  5. Authorization in Distributed Systems

    Authorization in Distributed Systems

    Authorization, the granting or denying of access to a resource, is something that almost all software has to do. Yet, developers tend not to give it a lot of attention. It is a difficult problem to solve in large distributed systems. In distributed or microservice environments yo…

  6. Disappointed in Disney World

    Disappointed in Disney World

    We had a cruise planned for our family vacation in February. Since we were flying to Florida anyway to get on the cruise ship, we decide to extend our vacation for a few days and go to Disney World as well. This family of 5 has been to Universal Studios a few different times, whi…

  7. Major Versions Considered Harmful?

    Major Versions Considered Harmful?

    A large portion of software today follows some form of SemVer or Semantic Versioning when it comes to how that software is versioned. When software follows Semantic Versioning then the string used to identify the software’s version has meaning. The version is made up of at least …

  8. RSS is Dead, Long Live RSS

    RSS is Dead, Long Live RSS

    What is RSS?RSS, RDF Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Syndication, etc… is a computer readable file format that websites publish to notify systems that there has been an update to the site. A link element is placed in the head of the site to allow the auto-disco…

  9. Setting up Git Commit Signing

    Setting up Git Commit Signing

    I recently had to completely reinstall the OS and all software on my personal computer. I had to go back and set up my development tools including SSH and GPG keys. I do this just infrequent enough that I had to review the documentation on how to do it. So I figured it would be w…

  10. Sing Gently - A Virtual Choir

    Sing Gently - A Virtual Choir

    I was recently listening to a Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast. This podcast is a great exploration of various topics that all relate to sound. It is worth subscribing to.The episode I was listening to was Sing Gently. It is an updated interview with composer Eric Whitacre. I was so…

  11. Samsung is pushing us to be an all Apple family

    Samsung is pushing us to be an all Apple family

    We are a fairly vendor agnostic family. We own devices from Amazon, Google, Apple, Samsung and others.I have a Samsung S8+ phone and a Samsung Gear Fit watch. About a year ago I started to look for a replacement for my Gear Fit because I wanted something a little bit newer with s…

  12. Why The Aging Developer?

    Why The Aging Developer?

    Now that the site is getting more feature complete and I have written a few articles, I wanted to explain in more depth why I chose “The Aging Developer” and what it means to me.I came to a career in software, specifically product R&D, in a round-about way. I did not go to school…

  13. Support for Guest Authors

    Support for Guest Authors

    I’ve previously mentioned that this site was created for me to interact with the public again as well as to learn some new technical skills. That doesn’t mean that “The Aging Developer” has to be a one man show. I do not have to be the only person to contribute to it. Both the co…

  14. Default HTTP Config Considered Dangerous

    Default HTTP Config Considered Dangerous

    An alternatively headline might be: know how your service communicates with it’s dependencies. Ideally, a microservice could work in isolation without having to communicate with any other service or dependency. This is not likely the case and HTTP is the most common way that I’ve…

  15. Setting up a Custom Domain With Netlify

    Setting up a Custom Domain With Netlify

    Netlify is a great service. It gets my workflow and I can’t heap enough praise on it. It provides a subdomain for your site to be hosted on by default. This is great way to get started. At some point though your going to want to move your site off to it’s own domain. Making that …

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